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How to build my compost pile?

· 4 min read
Writer, Plant Lover, 3 kids Mother

compost pile

Compost pile

Not all locations in the garden are suitable for making compost. If possible, the compost pile should be set up in a shady part of the garden to prevent the compost pile from dehydrating.

Extreme weather conditions can discourage composting, so the location where the compost pile is located should be surrounded by a hedge, bean stand or wall planting to prevent it from being damaged by strong winds.

Is it necessary to use additives to compost?

· One min read
Writer, Plant Lover, 3 kids Mother

compost additives

If the composting material is a mixture of food waste and garden waste, there is no need to add any additives. The success of composting depends on the richness and diversity of the materials used, i.e., the materials should be coarse and fine, soft and hard.

Mixing multiple materials is one of the keys to successful composting

· 2 min read
Writer, Plant Lover, 3 kids Mother

Mixing compost

The more diverse the mixture of organic waste, the better the decomposition process and the higher the value of the final compost pile. It is possible to either build up the compost pile layer by layer or gradually mix together the available materials on hand. The only important thing is to avoid adding large amounts of the same material to the compost pile at once, for example, adding only leaves or grass clippings.

Prerequisites for successful composting

· 4 min read
Writer, Plant Lover, 3 kids Mother

composting food waste

Composting is a biological process. In order to initiate and accelerate the process of composting, it is necessary to improve the living environment of the microorganisms involved in the process of composting, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the specific needs of these microorganisms. The following factors are particularly important.

Composting Tips All Explained

· One min read
Writer, Plant Lover, 3 kids Mother

composting food waste

The key to making compost is to create excellent living conditions for aerobic microorganisms to create excellent living conditions. Only with the help of these microorganisms is it possible for organic waste to be decomposed without producing odor.

How to Compost Garden Waste

· 2 min read
Writer, Plant Lover, 3 kids Mother

composting food waste

First, mix approximately the same weight of green garden waste (i.e., cut grass) with brown waste (i.e., dead plants).

Once the material is well mixed, chop it up as much as possible to speed up the composting process. You can use a machete or sharp shovel, or a lawn mower to press over the mixture. Or you can put the mixture in a metal bin and chop it up with a weed whacker. The smaller the material, the faster it will break down.

Complete composting material list

· 5 min read
Writer, Plant Lover, 3 kids Mother

composting material

Any substance that contains biodegradable carbon can be used to make compost. However, not all substances are suitable for making your own compost in your home garden. The following is a list of materials that are suitable as well as unsuitable for home composting.