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GK Resource Recycling Technology Orderly cycle that follows the laws of nature

Realize the closed-loop operation of the biological cycle "from the land and back to the land"

Realize "renewable resources, friendlier environment, healthier soil, and safer food".

It has been successfully verified after more than 50 years of practice

GK Resource Recycling Technology

The long-term dependence on fertilizers on arable land has led to

Soil Acidification

Soil Acidification

Secondary Salinization

Secondary Salinization

Soil is Poor and Degraded

Soil is Poor and Degraded

Increased soil-borne diseases

Increased soil-borne diseases

Current status of soil organic matter content

  • International healthy soil organic matter content 5%
  • Japan 6%
  • US 5%
  • Europe 4%

How long does it take for soil organic matter to increase by 0.1%?

  • Under natural fallowing, it takes 79 years
  • Green manure fresh grass takes 5 years to add 6 tons per acre
  • Ordinary organic fertilizer takes 2 years to add 9 tons per acre
  • GK, it takes 1 year to add 2.4 tons per acre
GEME GK recycling technology

Organic waste is the highest quality organic matter resource

Bio-waste, especially kitchen waste, is the highest quality organic matter resource

The protein contained in every 50 million tons of kitchen waste is equivalent to the protein output of 3.3 million acres of soybeans per year


GEME & GEME-Kobold

Organic Fertilizer

Soil Improvement Programs Of GK Technology - Bring Soils Back To Life Quickly

GK soil remediation/improvement, soil enhancement overall ideas core solution:

Organic matter enhancement

Soil fast-acting carbon and steady-state carbon synergize with mineral nutrients to enhance soil physical and chemical properties

Revitalization of beneficial bacteria + crop-specific microbial complex

Complex microflora and biostimulants regulate the dynamic balance of microbial communities

Empirical comparison before and after GK soil remediation/improvement and soil enhancement

The growth distribution of the roots can not only determine how effective the live bacteria fermentation fertilizer is on the health and growth of the crop, but also see the improvement of soil quality

In the comparative experiment, you can clearly observe the effectiveness of GK on soil vitality restoration and the promotion of GEME-Kobold rich soil on plant growth and disease resistance

Seedling stage

Soil Acidification

2 weeks after sowing

Secondary Salinization

1 month after sowing

Soil is Poor and Degraded

Field comparison

Soil is Poor and Degraded

Left picture: Experimental group using GK technology

Right picture: Control group using conventional plantation method

Empirical comparison of contaminated soil and water treatment in Vietnam using GEME-Kobold

Before vs After 1

Before vs After

Before vs After 2

Before vs After 2