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World's First Bio Waste Composter

Meet GEME, the modern electric home composter
Turn your daily food waste into organic compost
Less landfill, more gardening.

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Watch our video to learn more

Food Waste to Plant Feed Home Composter

put food waste in GEME composter
Throw all kinds of waste
Add food waste anytime
wait food waste composting when GEME is running
Composting continuously
Waste is reduced in the GEME composter
item 3
Turn waste into compost
Just take out easily and use
item 4
Enrich your garden with nutrient-dense soil
Nurture your plants and watch them flourish

Stop Landfilling
Start Composting

GEME empowers families to turn their everyday food scraps into thriving gardens, nourishing soil, and a smaller carbon footprint, all while keeping waste out of landfills and incinerators.
Watch our video to learn moreGEME in your home

Compost New Life for Waste

You can reduce 100kg to 300kg CO2 emissions. If you recycle all your food waste via composting.

Make Good Soil

Make Good Soil

Compost can nourish garden soil, let plants grow bigger.

Prevent Water Lost

Prevent Water Lost

Compost can absorb water, let your seeds grow better.

Fight Climate Change

Fight Climate Change

Compost can reduce landfill, let our plannet turn greener.

Waste Reborn Life Continue!

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The Easiest Way to Get Compost

get compost step 1

no slow waiting time
easy maintenance

get compost step 2

no mess and smell
clean and odorless

get compost step 3

no need to turn over
work in any weather

Real Compost
Not Dehydrated Waste

Keep in mind that most other "composters" are actually dehydrators;
they simply cook and dry the food into pieces that look like soil.
In contrast, GEME uses microbe bio-technology to enhance natural aerobic fermentation, making it a genuine composting process.
the man get compost from GEME

Powered by BioTech
and Modern Manufacture

Our science team has tested this technology extensively over the past 50 years in treating biowaste, soil, and polluted water. They have refined the core technology, leading to the creation of GEME Kobold.

Our engineering team possesses extensive experience in designing and manufacturing trash compactors. They have recently developed the GEME Composter.

GEME Kobold and GEME Composter ignite a revolution.
observe the plants

Turn Food Scraps into Organic Compost

GEME Kobold is a microorganism reproducing when well fed.
It breaks down your food waste, no matter how salty or acidic.
The result? Ready-to-use, homemade organic compost for plants.
food waste picture
food waste picture
food waste picture
Only 3 steps make it the easiest way to fight with climate changing.

What Real Users Say

Click below to see real people dish the dirt, good and bad - the unfiltered truth you need.

I REALLY love this product. We have used it a lot and look forward to seeing the garden this year, which we have supplemented with Geme compost!

Michael R.

We have order a second one. Our family cannot live without this machine

Robert G.

This method is amazing. I used to have an outdoor compost. This is such a great upgrade.


We have used the compost now to fertilize our fruit plants and trees earlier this season, and there was definitely an explosion of growth after that.

Brian M.

I never imagined anything could break down the matter so quickly. And all of those conerns about "smelly"? I have no such problem


Yesterday I put mozzarrella balls and shredded carrots and eggshells - gone like magic


I am very impressed with the efficiency of the composter and have been telling / showing it to many people.


this composter has changed my kitchen habits for the better.

Ethel M H.

I was very surprised to see the waste from dinner was almost completely composted by this morning.

Canada Buyer

I bought the Geme composter on Amazon to replace my two Reencles. It can handle maybe 2kg comfortably.


En passant, je suis très satisfait du GEME.

Louis T.

I am living in the US and really like my GEME. I would love to order another on for my sister in Australia.

Willi S.

GEME's Green Footprints in the World

Thanks for backing GEME and bring more green to the world. Be the first one to spread to your place!

Join the Movement

A new approach to the world's waste problem begins with each of us, effortless in daily life